How To Make Electropop *Creating My Latest Single In 3 Days*

How I created my latest electropop single “Give It Away“ in 3 Days. I documented the whole process for you to see! Also, make sure to watch the Reason Studio’s collaboration video (where I and 3 other producers, were given the task to use a boring sample to create a song out of): ➢ The other 3 producers and their workflows (Courtney Hawkins , Lyre and Jordan Atkins-Loria) : ➢ Listen to Give It Away: ➢ Give It Away Live Performance: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:15 Day 1 - Inspiration & Collecting Samples 04:24 Day 1 - Vocals Samples & Using Reason BV-X Vocoder 08:03 Creating harmon...ies, epic Finnish rap section & Chorus hook 11:34 Electric guitar layers and solo 12:14 Day 2 - final details 15:10 Final Song MY TOP 10 PLUGINS: ➢ ➢ Lyrics of the song Give It Away: This just isn’t going to work This just isn’t going to work No siis juttu on niin että Tää suhde on pelkkää viihdettä Kärpäsistä härkäsii ja awekward tilanteita Pitäiskö paeta ikkunasta? Harkita suistuu raiteilta? No ohhoh Mitä mä teen tässä vielä? Sun lempinimii on vaikee niellä Gaslighting, Ass Fighting ja muita klassikoita Onko mun jalat liimassa? Vai tykkäänkö liikaa piiskasta? Hyi ei tommosii If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away This just isn’t going to work This just isn’t going to work Nyt pitäis kuunnella F:ää Oon mä aika ihana sentää Nyt vakio arvoks self lovee kunnon annos Yeahh Onko kurssii tai klubii jossa ajan kaa voi armahtaa? Itseään oppii rakastaa? Hei mikä ei tuo sulle onnee ni heitä se teholla korpeen Sä löydät voimaa siitä kun skeidat blokkaat Mmmm Kipuun ei tarvii tottuu Muuten upuu Luval nyt luovu siitä mihin sua sattuu If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away This just isn’t going to work This just isn’t going to work I could accept this contract Smile and, smile and, and stay silent Smile and, smile and, and stay silent This just isn’t going to work I don’t answer to you anymore This just isn’t going to work This just isn’t going to work If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away If it doesn’t bring you joy Give it away This just isn’t going to work This just isn’t going to work ➢ Translation of the Finnish Rap section: So, the thing is that this relationship is just pure entertainment at this point. Making mountains out of a molehill and full of awkward moments. Should I run away? Consider going rogue? What am I still doing here? Your nicknames are hard to swallow Gaslighting, ass fighting and other classics Maybe my feet are glued to the ground? Or do I just enjoy spanking? C’mon, you can’t say that I should really listen to F I am kinda lovely after all Self-love everyday Yeahhh Is there a course where I can learn to give myself some slack? Even learn to love myself? What does not bring you joy Just throw it away You find strength from blocking all the shit No one needs to get used to pain Otherwise you’ll exhaust yourself Now with permission go and cut out everything that makes you hurt. LEARN MORE: Making full tracks in 10 steps: All about Ableton Live Playlist: This video is edited by Iiris Mäki ❤️ Check out the electric guitar solo producer Toby: CONNECT WITH ME: ➢ Insta: @lnadoesaudiostuff ➢ FB & TikTok: @lnadoesaudiostuff ➢ Twitter: @LNADoesAudio ➢ SUPPORT ME: ➢ Join my Patreon family: ➢ LNA Shop - FREE samples, presets & production guides: ➢ LNA Merch: https: ➢ Spotify: ➢ Apple Music: ➢ YouTube Music: ➢ Live Performances & Music Videos On Youtube: ➢ Join the LNA mailing list and become part of the family: MUSIC GEAR/INSTRUMENTS: My favourite instrument and music/film making gear recommendations: GOOD DEALS: ➢ Sign up to DistroKid with 7% off your first year of membership: Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.“ This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission. It does not change the price in any way, however it enables me making more content without having to do as many sponsored videos. I am not paid or asked to use these links.
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