The Strongest Weapon in Darktide

Fist Best ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD Join the Discord if you want to ask me anything. It’s the best place to reach me since i’m active there daily, as well as a place to submit video/livestream ideas. Come hang out and chat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON - If you wanna support ya boi A Big meaty thank you to my good spicy Patrons: Tretch GamingRambles NichorasJamsDunky GandalfTheGun Whitney Squidworth DiveShark Syrakul Shoobie Byle Gingerglaahk Scrungus GreyMJ Stalin Mumma Smokeyauto2466 Suulim PATRICK Stiltski Dr. Anonymous BamfTheSlime SkyhawkDoomTaco Fauxyyy Jarenz Michal Sabertooth Ponti Wolf “CLANK“ Huggins Hasi
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