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🎵 Music:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\sound\music
...\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc1\sound\music
...\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc2\sound\music
...\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc3\sound\music
...\Left 4 Dead 2\update\sound\music
0:00 gamestartup1
1:25 l4d2_c1_pc
3:05 l4d2_c2_pc
4:41 l4d2_c3_pc
6:18 l4d2_c4_pc
7:50 l4d2_c5_pc
9:27 bloodharvestor
9:58 bloodharvestor2
10:29 deadairtime
11:00 deadairtime2
11:30 deathtollcollector
12:01 deathtollcollector2
12:32 nomercyforyou
13:02 nomercyforyou2
13:33 deepintheforest1
...4:09 deepintheforest2
14:41 prayfordeath
15:11 prayforpassing
15:42 crashcoursecp
16:43 southofhuman
18:42 deadlightdistrict
20:03 deathisacarousel
21:27 diedonthebayou
22:49 osweetdeath
24:06 deadeasy
25:41 coldstream
26:59 nomercy
28:19 thesacrifice
30:09 bloodharvest
31:29 crashcourse
32:52 deadair
34:13 deathtoll
35:34 intro_music_laststand
35:59 germs
41:40 glimpse
42:23 zombiechoir
42:50 bacteria
43:28 witch
45:47 tank
50:44 scavenge
51:40 not_a_laughing_matter
52:02 snare_horde
52:14 drums
54:57 horde
55:09 gatesofhell
55:13 violin
55:38 banjo
57:43 deviddle
1:02:24 dobro
1:04:23 organ
1:05:42 dotd
1:06:26 slayer_01a
1:06:32 hordeslayer_01
1:06:38 hordeslayer_02
1:06:43 hordeslayer_03
1:06:49 hordedanger_01
1:06:56 rocketride
1:07:52 thesaintswillnevercome
1:08:57 gallery_music
1:09:41 midnightride
1:12:52 onebadman
1:15:54 all_i_want_for_xmas
1:19:25 save_me_some_sugar_stereo
1:24:22 clingingtohell1
1:24:50 clingingtohell2
1:25:17 clingingtohell3
1:25:45 clingingtohell4
1:26:13 iamsocold
1:26:34 iamsocold_l4d1
1:26:58 mobrules
1:26:08 pileobile
1:27:21 puddleofyou
1:27:32 puddleofyou_l4d1
1:27:43 pukricide
1:27:57 theend
1:27:58 theend_l4d1
1:28:00 tonguetied
1:28:23 walkingdead
1:28:29 contusion
1:28:32 asphyxiation
1:28:54 enzymicide
1:29:20 vassalation
1:29:45 mortification
1:30:00 exenteration
1:30:13 death
1:30:20 leftfordeath
1:31:17 death_l4d1
1:31:31 leftfordeath_l4d1
1:32:21 infection
1:32:43 c1rabies
1:41:08 c2rabies
1:47:11 c3rabies
1:53:53 c4rabies
2:02:39 c5rabies
2:11:55 c6rabies
2:19:24 nm_rabies
2:24:02 bh_rabies
2:28:48 cc_rabies
2:36:11 da_rabies
2:41:09 dt_rabies
2:45:25 l4d2_rabies
2:59:59 l4d_rabies
3:04:21 quarantine
3:04:40 l4d1_quarantine
3:05:33 bh_quarantine
3:06:26 da_quarantine
3:08:11 nm_quarantine
3:09:04 tls_quarantine
3:09:39 themonsterswithout_l4d1
3:09:48 themonsterswithout
3:09:57 yourownfuneral
3:10:23 finalnail
3:10:48 skinonourteeth_l4d1
3:11:34 skinonourteeth
3:12:50 themonsterswithin_l4d1
3:13:39 themonsterswithin
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