⭐️ Mark making as a mixed media art practice ⭐️
This week I am exploring mark making and the importance it has in making any type of artistic expression.
Here’s why mark-making is important - it allows you to explore, push boundaries and develop the creative spirit. Marks can create texture, depth, and movement in a piece, whether on canvas or copy paper.
Plus, mark-making is a great way to add your own personal touch to your artwork - true story - no two people ever make the exact same marks. How cool is that?!
So, whether you’re a professional artist or someone who loves to paint paper like me, mark-making will help you grow your skills and confidence.
Quote of the week: “just try things!”
🎨 Supplies & Tools 🎨
Golden Fluid Acrylics Paynes Grey
Golden Fluid Acrylics Titan Buff
Golden Acrylics Titan Mars
Nova Color Black Gesso
Liquitex Matte Medium
Posca Pen