Interview in Spanish - Meet Paul | Spanish Listening Activity
In this video, we have a Spanish listening activity with a quiz at the end. For this video, we are interviewing a non-native Spanish speaker. His name is Paul and he is Spanish teacher here in Tennessee. He reached out to us and we met up to shoot a video with him. Paul tells us about his experience learning Spanish, his biggest problems learning, and he gives us some advice to learn the language. We also talked to him about if it is necessary to leave your country in order to learn a language really well.
We think this is a great video to follow last week’s. In that video, you guys were the stars of the video telling in Spanish why you wanted to learn the language. It is one of our favorite videos that we have done. It was so cool to see the people on the other side of the screen and to see everyone putting themselves out there making a video of them speaking in Spanish. We were blown away by how great everyone’s Spanish was! If you sent us a video we truly appreciate it! Don’t worry if you missed out we will be doing more of these in the future. You can watch the video from last week here.
We hope these two videos give you the motivation and hope that you can learn Spanish.
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Equipment We Use to make the videos
(amazon affiliate links)
1. Main Camera -
2. Little Camera -
3. Backdrops & lights -
4. Main Mic -
5. Audio Recorder -
6. Lav Mic -
7. Camera Light -
8. Tripod -
9. Old Camera -
10. Batteries...
Main camera -
Little camera -
Book Suggestions
1. Relatos / Stories: Historias Cortas Para Aprender Espanol: Niveles A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 / Short Stories to Learn Spanish: Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 (Spanish Edition)
2. 100 cosas que debe saber una chica / un chico
3. Cocina Fácil Internacional. Fideos y Pastas
4. Fitness. Guia Holística para Principiantes
5. Las Frases del Éxito: Frases célebres para cambiar tu vida de más de 100 personajes históricos exitoso
6. Diccionario práctico del Estudiante
7. La tregua. Mario Benedetti
8. El dilema del omnívoro
9. El curioso incidente del perro a media noche.
10. Una curiosidad para cada día del año
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