Alexandra Trusova new free program 2021/22 - Sasha’s Cruella Movie character explained!
Still can’t get over the perfect portray of Sasha Trusova as Cruella De Ville on ice! 5 quads in a program, she is the real Russian Rocket! The first woman, 4th human in the world to have achieved this feat!! (Yes only 3 men had done it - Nathan Chen, Vincent Zhou, and Yuzuru Hanyu!). Even though Russian Test skate is not an official competition, but it’s a history made! Let’s take a look at the story / music selection for her program!
#sashatrusova #quadqueen - Alexandra Trusova, Sasha trusova, Александра Трусова, Саша | Quad Queen
#teamtutberidze - Eteri girls | Team Tutberidze
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