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Must. Get. Mud. Everywhere. This adorable video of a pangolin (also referred to as a scaly anteater) rolling about in the mud in Namibia (with footage courtesy of the Rare and Endangered Species Trust), is the perfect way to get into the spirit of World Pangolin Day tomorrow. Don’t forget to share - show those pangolins some love!
2 years ago 00:02:28 95
Abused Baby Pangolin Gets a New Home
3 years ago 00:01:10 6
meet ditsi an adorable pangolin rescued from the illegal wildlife trade in africa
6 years ago 00:01:48 42
The World’s Only Scaled Mammal Is ADORABLE
9 years ago 00:01:01 4
A pangolin plays in the mud.
9 years ago 00:02:31 8
Tikki Hywood Trust: Pangolin mother and baby (2 of 2)
10 years ago 00:01:58 397
United for Wildlife and Angry Birds: fighting illegal wildlife trade