Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2023-25|Rishabam|ராகு கேது பெயர்ச்சி 2023 ரிஷபம்|Rishaba Rasi Rahu ketu Peyarchi

Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2023-25|Rishabam|ராகு கேது பெயர்ச்சி 2023 ரிஷபம்|Rishaba Rasi Rahu ketu Peyarchi Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2023 - 25 | Rishaba Rasi |ராகு கேது பெயர்ச்சி 2023-25 ரிஷபம்|Rishaba Rasi Rahu ketu Peyarchi|S-S Media This video talks about Transit of Rahu Kethu in tamil during 2023 - 25 in October 30th 2023 as per Tirukanitha panchangam. Rahu kethu transit will be existing for 1 and half years arond 18 months and currently Rahu moves from Mesha Rasi to Meeena Rasi and Ketu moves from Thula Rasi to Kanni Rasi Generally Rahu and K3etu moves in anti clockwise direction but all other pla...nets moves in clockwise direction. This video has overall general predictions of all Rasis on the impact of transit of rahu
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