From the weirdest and most dangerous turtle in the world to the lesser known tree crocodile, here are ten of the most dangerous reptiles ever.
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10: Mata Mata Turtle
The mata mata turtle is probably the weirdest turtle in the world. This thing comes from deep in the Amazon basin of South America, as well as the Orinoco basin, and it is an extremely dangerous creature. Don’t let its bizarre appearance fool you.
9: Komodo Dragon
Let’s move on to something a little more threatening. The Komodo dragon is the biggest and meanest dragon that we currently have on our planet. These things are huge, they have horrible attitudes, and they are basically mini Godzilla babies that are not afraid to attack human people.
8: King Cobra
King cobras are ridiculously dangerous. There are some lizards on this list because lizards are cool and everyone likes talking about them, but even the mighty Komodo dragon has nothing on a king cobra. These snakes are feared for a very good r