Caribbean Music Happy Song: Day Dreams (1 HOUR Relaxing Summer Music Instrumental HD Beach Video)
Caribbean music happy song - Featuring ’Day Dreams’ Full Album of one hour of relaxing summer music instrumental with HD Beach Video. FREE DOWNLOAD of track ’Cast Away’ here:
This album is titled ’Day Dreams’ and is composed and recorded by Australian musician David Lewis Luong. Download this album here:
For every song you buy from David’s music site (), he will donate 50% of the net proceeds to the ’World Vision’ charity program to help build a better world for children.
Featured in this video:
Track 1: A life with you (starts at 00:00)
Track 2: Love at first sight (starts at 5:19)
Track 3: Far away sunset (starts at 8:37)
Track 4: Isle of plenty (starts at 15:14)
Track 5: Day dreams (starts at 20:42)
Track 6: Tall tales (starts at 25:59)
Track 7: Turquoise sea (starts at 30:51)
Track 8: Island festival (starts at 34:29)
Track 9: Sunny shores (starts at 42:04)
Track 10: Happy song (starts at 47:18)
* Please support me and my music by listening and sharing them on Youtube. My music is also available for downloading from Leading online music stores directly from these links:
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* Stay up to date with my latest releases by subscribing to my Youtube channel here:
* Join me on my social networks where I frequently upload music for you to download for FREE:
* For commercial use of my music, please email your enquiry to lewisluongcafe@ for a quote
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24 hours ago 01:16:34 4
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