Iris van Herpen ~ Carte Blanche

‘Carte Blanche’ Paris Haute Couture week, January 23rd, 2023. ~ Van Herpen collaborated with French artist Julie Gautier to create a film that explores the idea of femininity and female beauty as a form of control. The anticipated movie is inspired by womanly bravery and perseverance. The sensual narrative is a forceful composition that conveys the power of the female body and its ability to take ownership of her beauty to challenge the status quo. “In the beginning, three women are melted together into a painting of skin, textures of growth and decay. The red heart of this female ocean drifts down alone into the deep depths of her own consciousness where she dances a journey of isolation and oppression moving into resilience and invincibility.” - Iris Van Herpen and Gautier use the symbolism of water to subdue female shapes into a choreography that slowly disembodies control. Where the movements tell a story of fortitude, resistance, and finding freedom. ‘Carte Blanche’ is an od
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