How To Warm Up Your Voice Correctly

In this video I show you how to safely warm your voice up to gently get your voice ready for the day’s vocals. How To Warm Up Your Voice Correctly Warming up your voice correctly is a very misunderstood concept. Many people think that they’re just going to blast through a few scales in 15 or 20 minutes and then they are “good to go“ to sing. This is very shallow thinking at best. For one thing the voice is very fragile and organic and varies from day today. There are also many different voice types that need to be warmed up differently. And, depending on the condition of your voice, is it tired from lack of sleep, is it a bit hoarse from singing too much the day before, is it froggy from coming off a cold or flu etc.? All of these conditions and more make a tremendous difference in how we were on our voices up correctly. In this video I provide some basic fundamental ways to warm up your voice correctly in most circumstances.
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