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Paul Deep - Mind Destructor released on 2022-12-09 by Sudbeat Music - SB223
Paul Deep continues developing his repertoire and returns to the label with ’Mind Destructor’.
Its been a busy few years for the Argentinian artist since his last appearance in 2020. Signings to The Soundgarden, Mango Alley and Tale&Tone have kept his diverse fanbase, including high profile stars such as Eelke Kleijn and Maceo Plex, updated.
Opening with the tough chunky groove of ’Mind Destructor’, were quickly up to speed. Content to find its place on the floor and slowing intensify, the track grows organically over the first half with subtle synth lines powering forward. In the break, they reach fever pitch before the beat drops and room erupts, arms aloft.
’Amenotejikara’ takes a deeper, more melodic path. Airy atmospheres and percussive energy lead the way as synths creep into earshot adding tension. The ebb and flow of the arps gives palpable release to the tension. A true progressive earworm.
Rounding out the EP, ’Indigo’ continues the subtle carnival flavours with a groovy bongo-led closer. A more pronounced bassline from the drop, gritty saw-toothed edginess bites in the low end as one-shots and an eerie vocal provides high frequency ear candy.
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