Celebration of the Great Arab Revolt Centennial | احتفال النهضة

The popular celebrations, organised and hosted by the capital Amman on the occasion of the Great Arab Revolt Centennial, represent the climax of celebrations for the first half of 2016. The main venue of the celebration will be Al Hussein Park in Khalda and its surrounding areas, with the activities including entertainment and educational programmes for children, families and young people. The ceremony’s programme includes song performances, a play, mini-military parades, rallies by various segments of society and a showcase of national products. The activities conclude with a fireworks display. ___ احتفالا بمئوية ‏الثورة العربية الكبرى ازدانت سماء عمان يوم 3 حزيران بأكبر عرض للألعاب النارية تشهده المملكة ‏مئوية النهضة ‏احتفال النهضة
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