Ye Banished Privateers - 05 It Matters Not *With Lyrics!

“Ye Banished Privateers be a band, a crew an’ a soup kitchen who think that gettin’ new interesting bruises, mixin’ the perfect tar “perfume“ an’ getting’ the audience to vocally overpower them is at least as important as hittin’ the right notes. Ye Banished Privateers play original songs inspired by traditional sea shanties, bastardized irish folk, old scandinavian ballads, plays and court protocols of the pirate era and puttin’ it into a cracked and homemade 17th century punk mold.“ Find them at -YBP Lyrics: “Well hi there lad, so wishes you, to join our godforsaken crew? I wonder what dark deeds you did, to leave behind that wife and kid. Mine is a tale of death and grief, I thought I caught a burglar-theif. I’d been out to have a glass, and found in bed a strangers arse. I grabbed me pot and cracked his head, and there beside him in me bed, me pretty
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