Performed by Melingo and Felix Melingo Torre
Directed by Sebastián Carreras & Esteban Perroud
Animation and FX: Gabriela Castro & Agustin Vidal
Director of photography : Agustin Vidal
Camera : Pablo Nuñez & Agustin Vidal
Editing: Paula Rupolo
Head of Production : Mariana Ceccini
Production assistant : Pedro Gerbelli
Makeup : Verónica Schweigmann
Music Mix : Oliviero Sofia
Executive Production : Cactus Cine - Subterranea Films
Actors :
Muhammad Habbibi
Juan Ravioli
Gomez Casa
Matias Rubino
Felix Melingo Torre
Daniel Melingo
Drawing : Ricardo Mosner
NAVEGANTES (Melingo - Garamona)
First single from Melingo new album OASIS
Released date : October, the 11th 2019
Album in March 2020
We knew that Melingo is a vertigo maestro, a ubiquitous funambulist who never ceases to surprise and to reinvent himself.
He signs here a visionary and conceptual object, of a radical coherence, as much in the music as