JEWISH NAZIS: The unfortunate History of JEWISH NAZISM, beg. w/ EMIL MAURICE-Jewish co-founder of SS

Noted Militant Anti-racist/Anti-Nazi Skinhead, the “Anti-racist OG“ himself, DEREK DIABLO aka DIABLO CBC comes with an ugly reality that must be brought to light in today’s MSM/MAINSTREAM MEDIA landscape of lies, such as that there is no such thing as a Jewish Nazi, which is MISINFORMATION. There are too many instances of Jewish or mixed Jewish-German Nazis to be documented in any one video from the WW2-era alone, and the sad tradition has continued to this very day as depicted in major Hollywood films such as “The Believer“ starring RYAN GOSLING and “Alpha Dog“ starring Justin Timberlake both based on modern-era true stories prominently featuring Jewish-American Neo-Nazis. A little-known (deliberately hidden?) Interwar and WW2 German Nazi figure is the shadowy EMIL MAURICE, a close longtime friend and confidant to ADOLF HITLER, a Jew or Mishling/half-Jew/German-Jew and co-founder of not only the National Socialist/Nazi Party, but also its most notorious division, the SS/SCHUTZSTAFFEL/WAFFEN SS. Emil was member #2 of the SS, member #1 was Hitler himself. In comparison, infamous SS leader HEINRICH HIMMLER was member #168. “The Jews in Hitler’s military“- LA Times article- 1996 wikipedia entry for Jewish/mixed co-founder of Nazism and the Waffen SS, EMIL MAURICE. trailer for “The Believer (Ryan Gosling), a film about a Jewish-American Nazi Skinhead. (based on a True Story)
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