Voice- Olga Rajecka
Directed by Igors Linga and Aigars Grauba
Cinematographer- Andris Damburs
Designer- Mārtiņš Milbrets
Cast - Igors Miglinieks
Filmed on 35 mm SVEMA film stock, cameras KONVAS, ARRIFLEX and video BETACAM
My Profil in Vimeo:
So sharp your words, in north wind
So sharp your touches, they’re sharp, like wind
I see your face in reflections
You come
Something suddenly turns out the lights
You been taken by north wind, it takes You away from me
Something mixes reflectons
I see your face
See it when I close my eyes
In north wind, like candle flame sun goes ou
In north wind, you return into me again
You come
I walk alone in the dark, in north wind
I see your face in reflections
You come
Something suddenly turns out the lights
You been taken by north wind, takes You away from me
Something mixes reflectons
I see your face
See it when I close my eyeShow more