
Where does this work lead to? What would happen if we succeeded in prolonging our efforts to “Be” so that our consciousness became a constant flame? If we became more consistently conscious, then we would access two new functions called “higher emotional” and “higher intellectual” centers. These are not ordinary functions like the emotional, intellectual or moving functions. They are aspects of the Master. In this tutorial we will examine these two functions. We will draw from the Gospel scene of Mary meeting Jesus in the garden, to see how the Genesis temptation is reversed, and Paradise regained. And we will use this understanding to place our daily efforts in a bigger context. Our moment-to-moment efforts to resist haste, resist expressing negativity, resist indulging in imagination, ultimately aim to connect with the Master. George Gurdjieff said, “Higher centers are fully developed and working all the time, but their work fails to reach our ordinary consciousness.“ More on
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