Andrei Gavrilov Premiere of rediscovered J.S. Bach WTC Vol 1

New Year Bach concert from Andrei Gavrilov home studio where he presenting newly discovered WTC Vol. 1, talks about the goals and meanings of the famous J.S. Bach cycle. Philosophical grain of WTC, I have spoken about this more than once - through overcoming the flesh to God. Bach “tortures“ the musician so that the musician goes to the “Olympic plateau“, where “God and Bach“ are waiting for him. Поддержать проект Андрея Гаврилова можно здесь: ​ *** The fact that the world is insane is no longer in doubt for anyone who has not lost his mind. People still “love“ insane music, or the music of mental people. They still need “emotional experiences“. Most people are not able to distinguish between a useful, meaningful aware emotion, from a poisonous, animal, stupid emotion. They don’t even
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