Inspiring Celtic Instrumental Music-Celtic Harp, Irish Flute, Uilleann Pipes-’Two Rivers Flow Deep’

Hi 👋, Two Rivers Flow Deep... Love knows no boundaries, rivers flow across the land, when two rivers meet they blend perfectly, become one, flowing through the land together in harmony. Humanity places borders and divides to conquer, when everything is a faceted expression of the whole complete core, the spark within us all. Without each facet the jewel would never be so beautiful. Countries, cultures, colours. All colours are within both black and white and grey is a blend of both. Understand and appreciate the differences, but also know that in the deepest part of each of us we are the same. Love knows no borders. Macrocosm to microcosm. From person to creature, to country and culture, to worlds within worlds. Thank you to my beautiful wife for sharing her life with me and being a true inspiration and support. I will be forever grateful that our paths have met and we live life together. 🫂💎🫂💎🫂💎
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