A cover of “Venus“ Shocking Blue by Prime Orchestra.
Representatives of the current young generation, hearing the word “Shizgara“, most likely, will certainly shrug their shoulders. But for music lovers a little older, it is a symbol of an era. During his youth, he could be heard in every yard where homegrown guitarists tortured poorly tuned instruments. If you have not already understood, this is a phrase from the legendary composition Venus of the Dutch band Shocking Blue. With English in Soviet times, it was tight, the records of Western performers were often in disgusting quality, and Marishka Veresh sang Venus for the first time, not knowing English. Is it any wonder that the simplest phrase “she’s got it“ has turned for domestic music lovers into a mysterious “Shizgara“. We bring to your attention a new version of the legendary “Venus“ — Shocking Blue, performed by Prime Orchestra, with the unique vocals of Alyona!
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