Warning: This Cheese Potato Bread Recipe Might Make You Addicted!

Learn how to make delicious Cheese Potato Bread with just a few simple ingredients and no oven required! This recipe uses bread flour, milk, melted unsalted butter, sea salt, a medium-sized potato, and lots of melted mozzarella cheese. It’s perfect for breakfast, brunch, or as a snack. With this easy recipe, you’ll be able to experience a new level of deliciousness that you won’t be able to resist. To add subtitles, click on the [CC] text located in the bottom right corner of the video, and click gear select Subtitles/[CC] and you will be able to add your language subtitles. Ingredients: 90g bread flour. 60ml milk. 10g melted unsalted butter. Sea salt 1 potato medium size. 300 g mozzarella cheese . Steps: 90g Bread Flour. 10g Melted Unsalted Butter. 60ml Milk. Pinch of Salt. Mix well all together. Knead 3 minutes. Cover dough. And 1 hour in refrigerator. Make dough round and flat with rolling pin. 1 Boiled Potato. Add pi
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