Amir Aziz speech for the Conference ’Global crisis. Time for Truth.’

’So in Islamic tradition, we say Wa-Alaikum-Assalaam-wa-Rahmat-Allah-wa-Barkaatahu that means that “Peace be upon you all and the blessings of God”. So I pray that this conference with the name of God, should be blessed by Allah Almighty so that we, with His help, can come out with a solution which is permanent and which can save our generations to come...’ The full Conference: 🌍 The international online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth“ is a large-scale event organized by volunteers from 180 countries on the Creative Society platform. It will be broadcast on thousands of media channels worldwide. The objective of the conference is to inform humankind honestly and truthfully about the scale of the climate and environmental crises, about the impending threats, and the real way out. Key topics of the conference: ● What is the real climate situation on the planet? ● Why is the global m
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