Italy: COVID booster shot campaign kicks off in Lazio for transplant patients -

Rome, Italy / Italien / Italia Support this channel / Unterstütze diesen Kanal: or / oder The Lazio region in central Italy has started administering a third COVID-19 vaccine shot to patients who have undergone an organ transplant, as seen in the Umberto I Hospital in Rome on Thursday. Forty organ transplant patients received the first batch of the booster shots in the hospital. “These patients are at greater risk of becoming infected with COVID and once caught they even risk dying precisely because they do not have a fully functioning immune system“, said Massimo Cardillo, director of the Italian national transplant centre. Almost 85 percent of the Lazio population above 12 years of age have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. Die Region Latium in Mittelitalien hat damit begonnen, Patienten, die sich einer Organtransplantation unterzogen haben, eine dritte COVID-19-Impfung zu verabreichen, wie am Do
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