At the third attempt. Having got mugged by the kopyright kops twice. But now I seem to be over the border, off, what’s missing? From this double album.
Well, I had already done some editing. When I got this, my first impression was that there was some great stuff on there, but also some real dross. So much so that I put it to one side for a while. When I took it out again, I discovered it was not hard to avoid the smelly stuff. Just stick to Oscar Peterson and a handful of musicians. It was when the Big Band turned up that things started to head toward Las Vegas (did string sections ever do
... anything but ruin jazz?). And as for the tracks featuring The Singers kind of music that could only be enjoyed by people who have to have all their food puréed...
So, I’d already cut This Guy’s in Love With You, Wave, Sesame Street and Catherine. Eisenhower jazz. Then my first upload got canned for copyright infringement. That was the end of Ja Da. Then the #2, sanShow more