You Can Shine - Almost Anyone & FritzyBeat

Special thank you to all the people who helped work on this video~ Poki, GuncaPMV, Almost Anyone, You are all amazing! X3 This PMV is also on Equestria Collabs’ channel here: I hope you all enjoy this song, which you probably heard on AA’s channel not long ago, and I also hope you really enjoy the PMV Gunca and Poki were generous enough to lend their immense talent to ^_^ The lyrics in this song were written at the very beginning of Season 4, in excitement for my first ever season I would get to watch with the fandom and MAN has it been an experience~ I am so glad to have been able to take this journey with you all, and I most certainly look forward to more of that to come in the future =) Hugs to you all X3 Be sure to check out below for links to all the wonderful people who worked on this video, and also be sure to give them lots and lots of hugs and brohoofs and the like X3 Enjoy! ---------- Equestria Daily Solo Post!!! =D
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