Magician Eric Chien MAKES COIN PHYSICALLY DISAPPEAR! | Asia’s Got Talent 2019 on AXN Asia

Keep your eyes glued closely as Eric Chien from Taiwan makes coins disappear (or appear) right before your very eyes. So DON’T BLINK! And you might just fall #inLovewithMagic Subscribe for the latest uploads ► ASIA’S GOT TALENT ON SOCIAL Like Asia’s Got Talent: Follow Asia’s Got Talent: Join our conversation: Subscribe for the latest uploads ► AXN ASIA ON SOCIAL Like AXN Asia: Follow AXN Asia: Subscribe NOW for more exclusive clips: AXN ASIA ON SOCIAL Like AXN Asia: Follow AXN Asia: Subscribe NOW for more exclusive clips: #AXNAsia #AsiasGotTalent #inLovewithMagic
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