You wait it! The greatest film about the Kundalini Master and guide to #samadhi #yogi #god #india

Swami Yogonanda is an realized Master who knows how to immerse a person inside his consciousness with one presence and a mantra, turn off the mind and awaken the Kundalini energy that burns a person’s karma. He lived and meditated for 15 years in a cave on Mount Arunachala. Now he has his own ashram in Tiruvannamalai and many students all over the world. The film was created by his student and faithful companion Srividya. 📌Youtube channel Srividya @shrividia #enlightenment #awakening #God #how to live with the heart #openheart #live with the heart #anahata #ajna #clairvoyance #esotericism #path to god #self-healing #happy woman #how to become happy #like a friend to god #retritonline #satsang #retreats #silence of mind #mind #ego #happyfamily #happyrelationships #familypsychologist #family #happiness #donation #просветление #пробуждение #Бог #какжитьсердцем #открытоесердце #житьсердцем #анахата #аджна #ясновидение #эзотерика #путьк
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