🆕 The big news of the last few weeks on #injective

Creating your own token in one minute, integration with seven projects, Aidrop from Yakuza on DojoSwap, Hydro Protocol’s competition for $20,000, Eric Chen in an article for Forbes, the results of the big Burn Burn campaign! You’ll find all this and more in this video! @injective_ Promised links and sources: ⊸ Social platform Space: - Space Twitter: ⊸ NFT Collection “Burn Burn Baby“: - BBB Discord: ⊸ TokenStation thread: ⊸ About Artemis: ⊸ About AltLayer: ⊸ About Clusters: ⊸ About RelativeFi: ⊸ About GALXE: ⊸ About NFTs2Me & BotFI: ⊸ About FoxWallet: ⊸ Airdrop from DojoS...wap: - Yakuza inj: - Article about their tokens: @dojoswap/an-ecosystem-round-up-light-intro-to-daojo-1800b9f88ece ⊸ Trade the new $PYTH $NONJA $ZIG tokens on HelixApp: - About Pyth Airdrop: ⊸ Competition from Hydro Protocol: ⊸ An article with Eric Chen on Forbes: ⊸ My post about it: ⊸ Best Ambassadors of the Week: ⊸ The video used the work of my professional friends: ========================== 🐱‍👤 If you want to become an ambassador, first read my article about it: 🐦 My Twitter is here: ========================== 00:00 What the video will be about 00:50 launch of the first native token marketplace on Injective - TokenStation 01:23 New integrations with Injective 02:17 DojoSwap News 03:55 HelixApp News 04:18 Hydro Protocol News 04:53 Something about our dear developers 05:35 The Results of Burn Burn Campaign 06:04 Game of Thrones Scetch 07:17 Minting of Burn Burn Baby 07:53 Best Ambassadors of the Week 08:08 The end of video
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