Finger drawing on your phone - Draw Avatar

This vdeo drawing was done on my Samsung phone using the Paintology drawing app from Google play store. You will find links at the end. This drawing is from the live session of the full drawing tutorial which you can follow along to. Here is the direct link to this full tutorial... Drawing is a learned skill and when it comes to digital, you don’t need fancy tools to make good drawings. This is an example of a semi-realistic drawing that you can make with your finger using only one brush of the app. Many assume that digital art is created with many digital tools. This is no surprise that almost all of the artwork have been created witha heavy use of the digital tools. This is obvious when looking at digital artwork and seeing the perfect blending, line strokes etc. However, digital drawing does not have to have a heavy reliane on tools as I will show you with many digital drawings. All of the drawings you see on this ch
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