Every Afterlife Theory Explained in 10 Minutes
I cover interesting topics using MS Paint, inspired by The Paint Explainer. Subscribe if you like this video :0
0:00 - Simulation Theory
0:41 - Rastafarianism
1:19 - Never Ending Life Theory
1:37 - Cosmic Theory
2:07 - Buddhism
2:54 - Parallel Universe
3:31 - Dream Theory
4:11 - Aztec Theory
4:47 - Nothingness
5:23 - Christian
6:17 - Mormon
7:11 - Egyptian
7:51 - Paranormal
8:29 - Hinduism
9:04 - Cryogenics
9:44 - Egg Theory
Most of the information sourced in this video comes from Wikipedia, but other sources include:
2 GREEKS/#:~:text=Plato accepted an idea that,used it to explain KNOWLEDGE
#:~:text=When the man pulls the trigger and the universe is,chance to pull the trigger
#:~:text=The Mictlān consisted of nine,the liberation of their soul
#:~:text=About four in ten Americans,that they believed in ghosts
~naumannj/world religions page/hinduism & #:~:text=Final goal of Buddhism is,rituals, and the caste system
#:~:text=To date, about 500 people,of them in the US
Christian Icon Created by shashank singh from Noun Project
Vampire Icon Created by Jan Niklas Prause from Noun Project
Neutral Icon Created by drahomir hajek from Noun Project
Computer Icon Created by Kriya Barot from Noun Project
Ghost Icon Created by olga from Noun Project
Mormonism Icon Created by Dabid J. Pascual from Noun Project
Parallel Universe Icon Created by Nhor from Noun Project
Galaxy Icon Created by Petai Jantrapoon from Noun Project
Dream Icon Created by ZakaUddin from Noun Project
Cryogenics Created by Kamin Ginkaew from Noun Project
Buddhist Created by Nuttapon Pohnprompratahn from Noun Project
Hindu Created by Lars Meiertoberens from Noun Project
Rastafarian Created by lastspark from Noun Project
Aztec Created by ProSymbols from Noun Project
Egyptian Created by Phạm Thanh Lộc from Noun Project