Rage Of Thrones | Music Videos | The Axis Of Awesome

Do you love Game of Thrones? Well so do we and we’ve loved it for a very very long time. Subscribe For More: Available on The Axis of Awesome’s album ’Cry YOURSELF a River“ Lyrics You got a new favourite show? Been watching HBO You got a new favourite show? Been watching HBO You got a new favourite show? Been watching HBO You got a new favourite show? It’s called Game of Thrones WELL I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS I SAID I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS I read them years ago, So don’t tell me about Jon Snow. ’Cause I already know I’ve got a signed copy of a Feast for Crows Then a six year wait for a Dance with Dragons A six year wait for a Dance with Dragons I waited six FUCKING years for a Dance with Dragons and NOW YOU JUMP ON THE FUCKING BANDWAGON? AARGH. I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS I SAID THE FUCKING BOOKS TWICE. DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT SPOILERS. WINTER HAS BEEN COMING FOR SIXTEEN FUCKING YEARS. YOU MOTHERFUCKERS HIS NAME
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