EXIT the Pandemic: Dance to Freedom!

EXIT THE PANDEMIC: DANCE TO FREEDOM! After everything we’ve been through, we are ready for mornings at the Arena, shouting in the tunnel, holding hands across the bridge, catching the eyes of the singer from the front row, kisses in the last row, for freedom and love. We are ready to CELEBRATE LIFE! Nakon svega što smo prošli, spremni smo za jutra na Areni, vriske u tunelu, držanje za ruke preko mosta, hvatanje pogleda pevača iz prvog reda, poljupce u poslednjem, za slobodu i ljubav. Spremni smo da SLAVIMO ŽIVOT! Watch this short movie, share it on Instagram or Facebook using #CelebrateLife, tag your 1 and you can win tickets for #EXIT2021! Kreativni koncept - Dušan Kovačević, Alisa Rastovac, Ivan Đurović Režija - Ivan Đurović Izvršni producent - Lazar Nikolić Scenario - Alisa Rastovac, Dušan Kovačević, Ivan Đurović, Neda Gojković Montaža - Lazar Nikolić Direktor fotografije - Aleksandar Jakonić Kolor - Petar Drašković Zvuk - Janko Božović Asistent producenta - Đorđe Đurišić Glumci - Miona Marković, Laz
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