Illustrator Tips EVERY Logo Designer Should Know! (Slightly Advanced)

If you are a logo designer, you should really be aware of these processes in Adobe Illustrator! Some of them are slightly more advanced, but they are mainly geared towards an easier, more streamlined and non-destructive workflow, for logo designing in Adobe Illustrator. If you found todays logo design tutorial video in Illustrator enjoyable or useful, let me know in the comments section and drop a like on your way out. Subscribe to stay updated to all of my uploads and until next time, design your future today, peace 🔴 Get some 1 on 1 feedback on your designs or portfolio 🔴 Graphic Design Portfolio 📢 📢📢 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ➤➤ ******************************************************************** 0:00 intro 0:10 compound path fun 2:15 centre points 4:04 glyph snapping 4:50 selecting type 5:35 selecting the logo mark What Makes A Portfolio PROFESSIONAL?:
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