Heroic Restoration of a 1948-52 Kalamazoo KEA Amp with an Unusual Circuit

In this lengthy and rather complex video, we will completely refurbish a truly wretched old barn-find 1948-52 Kalamazoo KEA amp, with a very unusual method of Phase Inversion. Virtually every single part has to be repaired or the goal of turning a lost cause into a real gem. Watch to see if I manage to accomplish this unrealistic you will be rewarded by a long-overdue and pleasant surprise during the audio testing. In addition, we will open some fabulous gifts from generous viewers with help from Jack & KC, and put an end to percolating carburetors on the 1932 Ford Pickup. Hopefully, there is something here to please knows we tried :) If you’d like to support our advertising-free channel, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and consider becoming a Patreon patron at: or making a PayPal contribution to: dldcam@. Thanks !!! Here is a link to Craig’s video in which he designs and co
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