Russia: Putin honours the Russian military on Victory Day

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the 2016 Victory Day parade, commemorating the 71th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War (World War II) in Moscow, Monday, congratulating the crowd on the day that “unites joy, memory and grief.“ SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): “Dear citizens of Russia, dear veterans, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and petty officers, ensigns and warrant officers, comrade officers, generals and admirals. I congratulate you on Victory Day. This is a celebration which unites joy, memory and grief. May 9 is both a public and very personal family event. It became a symbol of the sacred relationship of Russia and its people. Our strength, confidence and dignity are based on such unity.“ SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): “Our fathers and grandfathers defeated a powerful, ruthless enemy before whom many countries retreated. It was the Soviet people that brought freedom to other nations. The Nazis and their collaborators
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