Happy Otters’ Birthday with Sushi and Cake [Otter Life Day 859]
We celebrated Aty and Ui’s 5th birthday with a little luxury sushi and cake at a resort in Tochigi Prefecture.
In contrast to Aty who enjoyed the feast, Ui kept eating as if she was in a gluttony contest.
I think she will have to go on a diet after she gets back home.
Thanks to the membership who helped with the preparations.
The plates used by Aty and Ui are not from the inn, but are plates that we brought from our house.
Tables and chairs are protected with cloths that we brought along to prevent stains.
The sub-channel has short videos of daily life of about 15 to 60 seconds and unedited long version videos.
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Aty: A little boy otter who came to our house at the age of 9 months.
At first he couldn’t even swim in the river, but now he loves the river more than anything else and swims in it all year round.
Whenever we go out, he always walks ahead of everyone, so he has come to be called “Captain Aty”.
Ui: A tomboy with comical movements.
Because of her ferocious nature, she had to go from one owner to another.
At first, she was so ferocious that Aty was too frightened to even touch her.
But Ui opened up to us and now she and Aty make out every day.
Aty and Ui have been issued a certificate of registration as an internationally rare wild animal and plant species.
Although Ui may appear calm today, she used to be so ferocious that people could not approach her.
After more than a year of being bitten, she finally came to live with us.
Otters are very intelligent and watch the people around them very carefully.
They will never open their hearts to you if you only have a superficial relationship with them.
They are also very active animals and require several hours of exercise per day.
They need to be walked outside or swam in the river for two to three hours every day.
The amount of exercise they get inside the house will never be enough to satisfy their needs.
Please do your research on otters before you think that “I want to keep one.“
You need to think carefully about whether you can face them with your life.
iPhone13 Pro, GoPro Hero 10 Black
★Donations can be sent through the following Paypal account
★Aty-Shop is here!!
You can buy Aty-Shirt, pillows, mugs or etc at here
★Music provided by
small-clawed otter () / ALL BGM CHANNEL
(P) & (C) Star Music Entertainment Inc.
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