Anton Wilhelm Solnitz () - Sinfonia (in A) à 4, Op.3 ()

★ Follow music ► Composer: Anton Wilhelm Solnitz () Work: Sinfonia (in A) à 4, Op.3 () Performers: Musica ad Rhenum Drawing: Anoniem (18th Century) - Het hoekhuis Dam en Damrak, de Waag, de Nieuwe Kerk en het Stadhuis () Image in high resolution: Drawing: Ackermann, R., Rowlandson, Thomas, Wright and Schutz - Feyge Dam with part of the Fish Market at Amsterdam (1797) Image in high resolution: Further info: Listen free: --- Anton Wilhelm Solnitz [Solniz, Sollnitz] (Bohemia, - Leiden, ) Bohemian composer, active in the Netherlands. He probably went to Holland in the mid-1730s; in 1738 one of his symphonies was performed at the centenary celebrat
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