BESAME MUCHO: a mesmerizing performance of the great hit.

Besame Mucho: a Fantastic Performance of the Famous Song. “Besame Moucho” is a greatest hit of all time. Both music and lyrics were written by a very young Mexican girl Consuelo Velazquez in 1940. A wonderful melody and touching words of farewell to the man she loved made this song immensely popular in the American Army during the WWII. So it became both a love song and a war song. Listening to “Besame Mucho” we will never forget those who fell during that terrible war. Asana Kulumbegova is a student of Musical College named after Mussorgsky. “Besame…” has been translated into a great number of languages, lots and lots of most famous performers have been singing it during all these years. However Asana’s performance is really mesmerizing. Бесаме мучо - хит всех времён. И музыка, и слова были написаны композитором Консуэло Веласкес, юной девушкой-мексиканкой, в 1940 г. Эта песня прощания с любимой сопровождала американских солдат во время ВМВ. Поэтому - это песня лю
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