Chatting with Swordpoint Author Martin Gibbins on the newly released HYW Supplement by G.B.

#HYWar #Miniatures #Historical #Tabletop #Strategy #MiddleAges #Medieval #wargames A very interesting chat with Martin where we discussed many subjects. 1, The New HYW Supplement 2. The unavoidable surge in miniature prices due to the global raise in Energy prices 3. Possible Swordpoint Rules updates 4. Front Rank miniatures now under Gripping Beast ownership and the new ranges coming up 5. Miniature Events the Swordpoint team will participate. 6. Upcoming SAGA HYW rules Milites Mundi rules to later Eras 8. Upcoming Rome and Wars of the Roses supplements 9. New Painting book coming out soon You may be interested in joining the bellow Pages: Medieval Miniature Wargames group link Medieval Warrior Discord Page YouTube Generals Facebook Page
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