Take a look at the training of flamethrowers in the Western Military District

Take a look at the training of flamethrowers in the Western Military District The fighters at the training ground work in pairs. They hit a hypothetical enemy. It’s 600 metres from the firing line. Now the machine gun does not stop talking, providing cover for the flamethrower. He points the infantry rocket-propelled flamethrower at the target and fires. And the combat team immediately leaves, as they say here, the line of contact. The experience of the combat in Ukraine has shown that military chemists are the strength and power of any unit, and the Russian Shmel flamethrowers are a formidable weapon that enemies fear. Trainings also take place here at night. Needless to say, there is not a moment of silence at the training ground during the day. Everything rattles, everything explodes, the shooting doesn’t stop. Intensive work is underway. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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