Give your artwork a realistic rubber stamp look with this stamp effect tutorial. Download Adobe Illustrator to get started:
Start from scratch, or download practice files [] for a head start. Steps below.
1. Open your drawing, or use ours ().
2. Choose the Selection tool and drag to select the artwork.
3. Apply an inner glow: Choose Effect – Stylize – Inner Glow – Normal. Set the color to black, Opacity to 100%, Blur to 3px. Make sure Edge is selected and check Preview. Click OK.
Tip: Choose the Stylize option from the Illustrator Effects section of the Effect menu.
4. Add texture to the
...drawing: Choose Effect – Pixelate – Mezzotint. Set Type to Grainy Dots. Click OK.
5. Apply a stamp effect: Choose Effect – Sketch – Stamp. Set the Light/Dark Balance to 1 and Smoothness to 6. Click OK.
6. Turn the artwork back into a vector: Choose Object – Expand Appearance. Choose Window – ImaShow more