Screenplay, Director, and Cinematographer: Victor Daviduke
Assistant: Dmitri Usichenko
Lyrics: Joey Batey, Olga Klochneva
Composer: Joseph Trapanese
Sound Engineer: Anton Yakumolski
Assistants: Alex Kozhakov, Artyom Mamontov
Performer: Serge Lavrentyev
Backup Vocals: Anna Kravt
SFX: Artyom Mamontov, Michele Gentile, Dmitri Minchukov
VFX: Dmitri Evstunichev, Michele Gentile
Makeup: Margarita Avoyan
Noituri: Jacob Schnol
Viscount de Lettenhof: Serge Lavrentyev
Bounty Hunter: Yvan Pleshakov
Vikings: Dmitri Vasilevski, Eugene Solotin
Bandits: Yvan Pleshakov, Eugene Solotin, Dmitri Vasilevski, Oleg Lavrentyev
Monk: Alexander Sukhorukov
Roach: Octavia
Fight Choreography: Jacob Schnol
Locations in Karelia: White Bridges Waterfall, Uksinski Ridge, Girvas Volcano, Shardon Archipelago, Suolužmägi Village, Grand Vaara Mountain.
Special thanks to the “Polar Odyssey“ museum for the Varangian ship “Rurik,“ Grig