Spokesman slams ’awkward’ remarks, stresses China’s stance on Russia-Ukraine conflict indisputable

China’s stance on Ukrainian issue is aboveboard, fair, objective and unimpeachable, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian at a press briefing in Beijing on Thursday. Zhao made the remarks in response to a press query saying China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. “China has repeatedly stated its position on the Ukrainian issue. To be honest, China’s position is indeed different from that of a few other countries. China’s position is aboveboard, fair, objective and beyond reproach. As for the ’uncomfortable’ terms, the ones feeling ’uncomfortable’ are actually those intending on dominating the world by applying the Cold War mindset, those pushing eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for five rounds in defiance of other countries’ pressing concerns, as well as those waging wars while accusing others as being belligerent,“ said Zhao. “I heard that even cats, d
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