Going to art school, which I graduated from in 2000. My history. Artist. Gratitude to teachers.
Today, I made a video about my childhood, looked at photographs, and I felt incredible nostalgia. I wanted to go to the art school where I studied more than 20 years ago, I wanted to see my teachers, and I was lucky! They were there!
A little bit of my “drawing childhood”. I’ve noticed that artists are now increasingly emphasizing the fact that they are self-taught, and this is truly incredibly admirable! When you have the freedom to express yourself and be accepted by society! When talent is recognized, without any framework, and they don’t push with the classical school.
But I also respect my long and persistent journey, and when they tell me “cool, you have talent!” .. I feel a little depreciated in my long journey and learning. Yes, I have a special vision of the world, a rich imagination, a sense of color and composition... But I had to go through a long training to bring it to the result that I have. Simplification of forms, stylization (design, in its own way, came from these concepts)... I studied all this, tried it, experimented with it, moving away from the knowledge of classical forms. From the age of 7, I went to art school, participated in exhibitions, and later even took many competition places, including international ones... But this is not because I was just “talented in drawing”.. This is not just classes at school, college and university, it’s a lot of work at home, a lot of studying literature, practice, art history. Even for each sculpture lesson we drew 30-50 sketches of a person from life! These are hundreds, thousands of still lifes, plaster figures, people, landscapes... This is the study of complete history, sculpture, modeling from different materials, nature molded from clay (the study of this helps to better understand nature in space, forms), this is the study of the rules of composition, drawing , various materials: pencil, charcoal, series, ink... and my favorite painting💛
It’s a lot of work! And even if I have a gift, I had a way to unpack it! I really put a lot into this! Any of my summer holidays, vacations, were accompanied by daily drawing. At the university, when everyone ran out of classes, we sometimes sat in the workshops until late in the evening. And those were wonderful times (hugs to all those with whom I studied, we were like one family) and we had many incredible and fun moments and adventures. I was looking for my own style, at the same time I won competitions in various directions, including classical painting, impressionism, graphics, and I even made dolls!
And now, I draw in such a “naive” or “abstract” style, and it seems like there was no such training.. That’s why I want to leave this reminder for myself here💛 that this is the path, and I am open to new things. I don’t want to be limited as long as I enjoy it and I do what comes from the heart and not from the mind. But still, the knowledge gained definitely played a huge role! For which I am grateful to all my teachers! And to myself.
Too many letters, but I wanted to share :)
Thank you.
Music : Marshall Olieman
#artist #storyartist #abstractpainting #painting #artschool #nostalgia #myteachers
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