(수채화 기초) 흘리기, 번지기 기법을 활용한 나무그리기 / 풍경수채화 (Tree watercolor using shedding technique)

(수채화 기초) 흘리기, 번지기 기법을 활용한 나무그리기 / 풍경수채화 The basics of watercolor - Tree watercolor using shedding technique Welcome to ’ChaYeonPainter’ Thank you for the visit. ▶ Subscribe here! ▶ ▶Tools and Materials i used in this Picture: -paper: 220g/㎡ paper -watercolors: SWC & HWC watercolor -brushes: Raphael KOLINSKY GOLD, HWAHONG 600 ▶Music Music: Kevin MacLeod- Canon in D Major Music License:
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