Дора и Жемчужины жизни (Dora and The Wreath of Christ)

The project is based on the archive of an unknown woman who lived in Leningrad in the 1960s. It begins as an attempt to discover the reasons for her disappearance, but almost immediately it becomes clear that this is a stylization for an archival research project. Facts which could have pointed to connections between events turn out to be a list of fragmentary historical and geographical information. The facts become signs-icons according to Ch. S. Peirce (signs that implement the relationship of similarity between the sign and the referent) and take the form of what they report. The found archive from the archive (as something that is filled with meaning, sense, sign-symbols) becomes, in a direct sense, material for carrying out non-classical logical operations. The mysteries of the archive (why were the photos only from that period taken to a second hand store? Why is she alone in almost all the pictures? Why are there so many pictures, which is quite rare for the 60s? What happened to this woman? etc.) - they are all replaced by a series of disconnected facts which take the viewer further and further from the subject of research - into worlds with fourth dimension geometry and the presence of alternative laws of cause-and-effect relations.
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