The Countries with the Highest Domestic Savings in the World
The Best Countries by Gross Domestic Savings (Current US$)
The Countries with the Highest Domestic Savings in the World
Os Países com Maior Poupança Interna no Mundo
Die Länder mit den höchsten Inlandsersparnissen der Welt
Los Países con los Mayores Ahorros Internos del Mundo
Les pays avec les plus grandes économies intérieures du monde
दुनिया में सबसे अधिक घरेलू बचत वाले देश।
Negara-negara dengan Tabungan Domestik Tertinggi di Dunia
I Paesi con i maggiori risparmi interni al mondo
Kraje z najwyższym oszczędnościami krajowymi na świecie
Страны с наивысшими внутренними сбережениями в мире
Dünyadaki En Yüksek Yerel Tasarruflara Sahip Ülkeler
1 view
6 days ago 00:11:17 1
Potato Tour of Russia 2025: From Storage to Processing at the WEFRY Plant
1 week ago 00:34:38 1
Обманутый американский Атлант расправляет плечи. Не стойте у него на пути, господа
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50 % In The Dub
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Only 2 Countries Voted Agaisnt The WHOLE WORLD! #geography #maps #usa
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The Project feat Gerideau - Bring it Back 2 Luv (Underground London Mix)