The Real Sagat: A Man with 450 Fights

Learn from Legends: This is the real life Sagat. Did you know that the Street Fighter character was inspired by a real life badass? Sagat Petchyindee is a legendary champ of the golden era of Muay Thai. He holds 11 title belts in Muay Thai, kickboxing and boxing with 150 KO wins in more than 450 fights, and has been practicing Muay Thai for half a century. Just like the boss in the game, Sagat is larger than life. He is a natural showman in the ring, and has no fear of his opponent. At 62 years old, Sagat is still sprightly, playful, and ridiculously strong. He wants to keep fighting until... he is 70. ----------------------------------- This project is part of a documentary series with Human of Fighting. Follow us on Facebook / Instagram to see more intimate conversations with legends of the sport FB: IG: -----------------------------------
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